- Single Premium with Profit Endowment Plan
- Benefits Payable on death:
- On death of the Life Assured on or after the Commencement of Risk: Sum Assured along with vested Simple reversionary bonuses and final additional bonus, if any, shall be payable.
- On death of the Life Assured before the Commencement of Risk: Return of single premium excluding taxes and extra premium, if any, without interest.
- Maturity Benefits: Sum Assured + Simple Reversionary Bonus + Final Additional Bonus.
- Guaranteed Surrender Value:
- 1st Year: 70% of Single Premium excluding taxes and extra premium.
- Thereafter: 90% of Single Premium excluding taxes and extra premium.
- Special Surrender Value: Discounted Value of sum assured and vested Simple Reversionary bonuses
- Loan available after completion of one year.